yes, i know new hampshire isn't on the way to virginia from boston. i've actually looked at a map before.
i swear tho, from here, my path will make a lot more sense. granted, i'm going to be spending a couple few days here in dublin shacking up with the parents before heading out again. but i'll definitely be going south-west-ish from now on.
so on arrival to manchester thursday night, instead of a grand welcome, my front tire exploded. yes, exploded. thank god i was pulling into manchester and not in the middle of the wilderness in west virginia. i suppose i should have expected it to happen (after all the trouble it gave me and the worker bees of bike international). it meant i had to walk my bike the last 2ish miles into downtown to the nearest bike store, where i spent at least an hour trying to get the right new tire from their severly limited options.
i eventually worked that out, and $50 and a fair amount of stress later i met up with my couchsurfing host for the evening, had a shower and got some food. peter was a great host; we watched the movie 'holy mountain' which i would happily recommend to anyone who likes abstract film, but not for the conventional minded movie goer.
and then

i passed through the boston university sargent camp, which apparently is going to be shut down due to financial concerns (i don't even know what it is, but i have always seen the sign on the highway). crossing this river made me nostalgic for summer. i wished it was warmer so i could go swimming. of course, there's still snow on the sides of the roads around here.
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