we walked for a couple days over the tallest mountain in vermont, also known as mt. mansfield, and the home of stowe ski resort. pretty awesome day for it, sunny, clear, warm, etc, but the haze was so bad we couldn't even see back the 30 miles or whatever it was to camels hump, where we had been only a couple days earlier. supposedly we should have been able to see all the way to canada from there.
so last night we slept at the picnic area just down the hill from smuggler's notch, and are now spending the day in stowe, vt, where everything is overpriced and touristy. things are so overpriced, in fact, that we're NOT going to ride the alpine slides. at $20 each a ride, it stops being awesome and starts being a total rip-off.
i bought a sweet pair of socks to put on my pack shoulder straps to protect my bare shoulders from the abrasive heat induced pain they've been suffering. that's a picture of them there, with the bear. and i think our plan is to hike out of town tonight after dark, to avoid the heat of the day. something like 3ish miles up to sterling pond shelter. maybe spend the rest of the day today avoiding the heat in a movie theater...we already had thai food, which was my main town objective.
one week left til canada.
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