on schedule to be at maury's on the 12th, which is tuesday.

bert played 'quickens' over two triple word scores, fyi.
at the campus of wvu, which is in morgantown, there is a
P(ersonal) R(apid) T(ransport) system, which apparently is some kind of big deal. it just looks like an old, run down above ground subway to me.
bert also told me that mother's day was invented in west virginia, which i called bullshit. then on friday when i left his place i rode past the house of the woman who apparently loved her mom so much she invented a holiday for her. so it turns out it wasn't bull.
i also got my bike tuned up in morgantown, needed new brake pads and a good cleaning after all the rain i've been hitting. they told me the spring on my rear derailer was old/getting loose, would need to replace it soon.
then i got to philippi, where there is an old club called "club hot wv" that looks run down, i dont think it's ever open anymore. and apparently philippi is the site of the first land battle of the civil war. i dunno if that's really somethign to boast about, but that's the town's claim to fame.
i stayed with trevor, we made some awesome bread and pasta. i ate ramps for the first time, which i was really excited about, and had some mountaineer nut brown ale, which is a local west virginia beer, and quite good i might add.
trevor helped me work out my route from philippe to elkins, whcih was actually a lot of work, given it's only about 30 miles away. there's a huge mtn in the way, called laurel mtn, and the only easy way past it is on a major 4 lane highway. i ended up climbing over the mtn on a partially dirt road through 'pleasure valley' (why it was called this i have no idea) and then riding a rail trail the last 12 miles or so into town, where i met gibson.
gibson and i went up into some tiny town and watched
the hot seats (formerly known as special ed and the short bus), an awesome bluegrass band, at the fiddlehead.
also, best meal ever: whole wheat tortilla,
dark chocolate peanut butter, honey, raisins, all rolled up. YUM
i left pretty early this am, around 9:40 (yes, for me that's early), and again had a huge mtn to ride over (cheat mtn), to get to the greenbriar river valley and out of the tygert river valley. i got passed by a motorcyclist who honked and very adimately gave me a thumbs up.

it was a LONG steady climb, but an awesome day for it, sunny, pretty still, 70ish degrees, and then i rode the rest of the day al ong the valley, first on a road that just winds along the side of back mtn, and then along the
greenbriar river rail trail,

which, as anticipated, has been the entire trip's highlight. got a flat about 10 miles from my final stopping spot, but i fixed that w/out a hitch using my compressed co2 for the first time, then set up camp at one of the trail side campsites. made a fire (which i didn't intend to do, but there was all this firewood already here, so i felt obligated) and then cowboy camping. hopefully i don't regret the lack of tent, but i think it's gonna be a really nice night.